Category Archives: Birthday

Personalised Clown Card

Children love to see their names on things so why not on their birthday card! The name of the birthday girl is included on this card and this makes it a very special and personal card to give.

Personalised Clown Card

What you will need to make this card:

  1. A6 light pink card blank
  2. Jack in the Box Clown Topper (Large)
  3. Pink pearlised card
  4. Lilac pearlised card
  5. Light pink mulberry tissue paper
  6. Violet mulberry tissue paper
  7. Woodware regular lever craft punch – square
  8. Happy Birthday Peel Off Sheet – Multicoloured
  9. Alphabet – Upper Case Peel Off Sheet – Silver
  10. Small Numbers Peel Off Sheet – Silver
  11. Invisi Dots for Vellum
  12. Craft glue
  13. Sticky foam pads
  14. Craft knife & cutting mat

How to make:

Use a cotton wool bud or your finger tip to draw a rectangle on the violet mulberry tissue paper with water. The rectangle should be just a bit bigger than the jack in the box clown topper. Carefully tear along the wet lines to create a fluffy edged rectangle, put this to one side to dry.

Repeat the above step with the light pink mulberry tissue paper to create a slightly smaller fluffy edged rectangle, again allow it to dry.

Layer first the violet mulberry tissue paper rectangle onto the card blank, followed by the light pink mulberry tissue paper rectangle using the Invisi dots for vellum to stick them down as this will not show through the mulberry tissue paper. Then use craft glue to stick the jack in the box clown topper to the top of the light pink mulberry tissue paper layer.

Place the multicoloured Happy Birthday peel off sticker sheet on to your craft mat and with your craft knife carefully cut the joins between one of the the ‘Happy’ and ‘Birthday’ wordings to allow you to use the two words separately. Stick the Happy Birthday words to the very top left hand side of the card blank.

Punch out a number of squares from the lilac pearlised card and from the pink pearlised card using the regular square craft punch. It will depend on what name you wish to put on the card as to how many squares you need. Using letters from the silver upper case alphabet peel off sheet apply the first letter of the name to the centre of a lilac square, then stick the second letter to the centre of a pink square and continue alternating the colours until you have the full name.

Next use sticky foam pads to stick the letter squares along the bottom of the card spelling out the name. It will depend on how long the name is as to how you space the squares. Here as the name has an odd number of letters, the middle letter ‘T’ was placed first centrally and then each letter either side from there until the name was complete.

You can easily fit a name of up to 7 characters long as shown on the card in the picture and possibly even a name of 8 characters if you leave little or no gap between each letter square.

Finally to complete the card take the number that corresponds with the age the child will be on their birthday from the silver small numbers peel off sheet and stick it to one side of the clown topper box.

Card Idea by Janine

Brother Golf Birthday Card

This is a lovely birthday card for any golf enthusiast, it is made with what I think is a fantastic 3D golf embellishment which really gives the card a luxury look. You can make this card for a variety of different people, simply change the ‘Brother’ peel off for any another relation or the even the word ‘Friend’ works very well too.

Brother Golf Birthday Card

What you will need to make this card:

  1. A6 light blue card blank
  2. Handmade Mulberry Paper – Dark Green
  3. A4 Card – Alchemy Pearlised Regal Blue
  4. Plain red paper
  5. Golf Bag, 3 Golf Clubs & 3 Balls – metal & paper embellishment
  6. Family Mix 1 Peel Off Sheet – Silver
  7. Happy Birthday Peel Off Sheet – Multicoloured
  8. Golf Peel Off Sheet – Silver
  9. Double sided sticky tape & 5mm sticky foam pads
  10. Hi-Tack Original All Purpose Very Sticky Glue
  11. Craft knife, pencil, ruler & cutting mat
  12. Scissors

How to make:

Measure and cut out 5 rectangles from the regal blue card. Size the first 5cm x 2cm and apply a multicoloured ‘Happy Birthday’ peel off sticker to it. The next two should be sized 3cm x 1.5 cm and then apply silver ‘To a’ peel off stickers to one and a silver ‘Dear’ peel off sticker to the other. Size the next one 4.5cm x 2cm and apply the silver capital letters GOLF wording from the golf peel off sheet. Finally the last one is sized 4.5cm x 1.5cm and a silver ‘Brother’ peel off sticker should be applied to it (or an alternative relation if you wish re-sizing the rectangle to fit if necessary).

From the dark green handmade mulberry paper measure and cut a rectangle that measures 9cm x 4.5cm. Using scissors cut a sweeping hill design into the top edge. Using double sided sticky tape stick the green shape to the card with the bottom edge about 2.5cm from the bottom edge of the card blank.

Next take a golf flag image from the golf peel off sheet and stick just the triangle flag part to the red paper. Cut round the flag so the red paper only shows in the centre of the flag. Apply a small dab of glue to the back of the red flag and then stick the peel off flag to the left hand side of the green.

Carefully insert the metal golf club shapes into the paper golf bag arranging them as you wish, they should fit fairly snugly and so do not require glue to hold them in place but you can apply glue inside the bag if you wish. Arrange the golf bag handle. Apply some glue to the back of the golf bag and then stick it to the right hand side of the green.

Apply a blob of glue to each of the three golf balls (beads) and stick them to the green between the flag and the golf bag. It does need to be a strong craft glue used for the golf bag and golf balls to ensure they stick properly and do not come away. At this point leave the card flat to dry properly before finishing it off.

Once the glue has dried, use sticky foam pads to arrange and attach all of the wording rectangles as shown in the picture.

Card Idea by Janine